The New South Wales Secondary Principals’ Council (NSW SPC) calls upon all state and territory leaders to put the interests of children before politics and support vital reform of the school funding system.
The Australian Education Bill 2012 is an important first step in ensuring all young people have access to a quality education.
”Schools, particularly public schools, desperately need that investment,” said Lila Mularczyk, the President of NSW SPC.
The Australian Education Bill establishes access to quality education for all students as an entitlement of common citizenship; sets new goals for education; introduces a National Plan for School Improvement; builds new principles for school funding and links school funding and school improvement.
”There must be a commitment by all political leaders to negotiate and agree to the new funding arrangements and to pass the legislation early in 2013,” said Ms Mularczyk.
”The Gonski Review made it clear: there is an urgent need to invest in education and to improve the way funding is distributed. The current commonwealth funding system is neither effective nor fair.”
The reprehensible decision by the NSW State Government to slash $1.7 billion from the state’s education budget makes funding reform an even greater priority for NSW schools.
“This is a unique opportunity to ‘get it right’ for all children, to ensure the future of our national education system to maintain our international competitiveness,” Ms Mularczyk said.
Contact SPC President:
Lila Mularczyk: 0417 284 227
SPC Deputy Presidents:
Chris Presland 0414 986 514
Andrew Newman 0407 134 394
Bernie Roebuck 0409 438 201