Education Week is an opportunity to build a positive educational narrative

The NSW SPC believes Education Week 2016 is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of public schools and challenge the growing political rhetoric which suggests Australian schools are failing students. NSW SPC President, Chris Presland, said Education Week highlights the quality, diversity and innovation of public education across NSW. “The theme for Education Week 2016 is ‘Shared stories, better learning, stronger communities’ and this reflects the broader role public schools play in fostering quality learning and links between the community, students and staff.”

“While literacy and numeracy skills are key components of our educational curriculum we also need to see education as being much more than just NAPLAN test scores and PISA rankings. Internationally, we are seeing countries such as China investigating how to incorporate entrepreneurship education into learning while in Finland a key educational outcome is ‘happiness’. This suggests a real shift in how we measure educational success and achievement. NSW public schools are leading the way in equipping students with the problem solving, creativity and communication skills to adapt to new technology and innovative practices,” Mr Presland said. “This doesn’t happen by chance. It is the product of highly skilled teachers engaged in an extremely complex profession.”

“Secondary schools in particular have a key responsibility for developing socially responsible, well educated young adults moving into their post schooling life and being educated this century is so much more than just the HSC, literacy and numeracy.”

Mr Presland suggested Education Week is an opportunity for the broader community to gain a greater insight into the extraordinary achievements of teachers and students across the state.

“NSW public schools are producing students with highly developed analytical and creative thinking skills who are ready to take their place as successful and engaged global citizens. Education week is a timely reminder that as a community we need to stand up and challenge political rhetoric which sensationalises our education system as in crisis. The NSW public school system is one of the best education systems in the world and this should be celebrated and recognised by our politicians, our community and the media.”

Education Week is a celebration of everything NSW public schools achieve in creating innovative and quality learning environments for all students.

Chris Presland
President, NSW Secondary Principals’ Council
M: 0414986514

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